12 events found.
Sibford Lunch Club
Main hallPrivate hire
Small hallAbstract Painting Workshop
Main hallKarate
Main hallKarate
Main hallBook Swap cafe
Small hallWe have a large library of books to suit all tastes and ages. All free to borrow. Come and browse and have a coffee or tea and a chat.
Sibford Lunch Club
Main hallHorti Entry night
Small hallThe show is on Saturday, but you need to submit your entry form tonight. Here are copies of the schedule and entry form: horti-show-schedule horti-show-entry-form
Horti set up
Main hallThe Horti
Main hallPlease come and join us for the Sibfords' Horticultural and Produce Show at Sibford Village Hall. Submit your entry form on Wednesday 24th, 7pm-8pm at the Village Hall; bring your […]