12 events found.
Tots and babes
Small hallArt Class
Main hallFor more information contact Nigel Fletcher nvfletcher@btinternet.com, 07792 657 248 or visit www.nigelfletcher.co.uk
Beavers, Cubs and Scouts
Main hallCubs and Scouts
Main hallScouts
Small hallDance in the Dark
Main hallCome and shake your booty in the dark to some fab dance tunes. Bring £1, some water and your best moves…. Dance like no-one is watching and feel amazing afterwards!
Private event
Main hallPrivate event
Main hallYoga
Main hallPrivate event
Main hallBridge club
Small hallA friendly group, playing bridge to the best of their ability, and with new bridge players welcome. There is a charge of £2 a session to cover the cost of the hall. For more information contact Joan Broady on 07850 483 462, preferably with a text message.