12 events found.
Wine tasting evening
Main hallYoga
Main hallWarm Hub
Small hallNow half-an-hour earlier at 2pm until 4pm to allow people to get home before it gets dark. Free to attend as kindly sponsored by the Town Estate Charity Refreshments available as well as games, crafts, books, puzzles. Come and socialise and keep warm in the small hall. Contact Ginny on 01295 780 373 or ginnybennett@googlemail.com for more […]
Sibford Players Drama Group
Main hallTots and babes
Small hallArt Class
Main hallFor more information contact Nigel Fletcher nvfletcher@btinternet.com, 07792 657 248 or visit www.nigelfletcher.co.uk
Beavers, Cubs and Scouts
Main hallCubs and Scouts
Main hallBook Swap and Café
Small hallWelcome to our monthly chance to have coffee/cake and a chat. Browse our large selection of books and borrow any you like. No need to bring a book to swap. No charge. Donations welcome.