Art Class

Main hall

with Nigel Fletcher


Main hall


Main hall


Main hall

Christmas Crafts

Main hall

Come and learn the top tips to creating your own beautiful Christmas table or door decoration! A fun afternoon with friends and super start the festive period and you can use these skills year round. Demonstration of three beautiful arrangements by Val Law, followed by a time to make your own decoration. Ticket £8 includes […]

Birth and Bloom

Main hall

Parent and baby wellbeing group

Presentation on Heat Pumps in the home.

Main hall

The leaflet below has been circulated in the villages by the presenter Neil Holland. Two sessions will be held on this day, at 3pm and 7pm. Neil would prefer it if you booked your place in advance by calling him on 07767 831 763 or 01291 421 671. summit-heat-pumps

Presentation on Heat Pumps in the home.

Main hall

The leaflet below has been circulated in the villages by the presenter Neil Holland. Two sessions will be held on this day, at 3pm and 7pm. Neil would prefer it if you booked your place in advance by calling him on 07767 831 763 or 01291 421 671. summit-heat-pumps